Spring Summer Events Program

Join us as we deepen our Dharma Practice together!

We’re delighted to share upcoming events for Spring/Summer 2024 there's been a few additions!

Take a look at the details below. We’re looking forward to coming together to practise and strengthen our dharma connections.

Sat 25 May 2024
Teaching Day with our German Sangha - Lama Shenpen & Lama Agnes

Sun 26 May 2024
Sunday Gathering: Sensitivity & Body Awareness - Lama Agnes & Younten

Sun 30 Jun 2024
Sunday Gathering
More details to follow

Sat 13 Jul 2024 - Sat 20 Jul 2024
Formless Meditation Retreat - Lama Dashon

Fri 26 Jul 2024 - Sun 28 Jul 2024
Birth & Death in Every Moment - Francesca Fremantle

Thu 8 Aug 2024 - Sun 11 Aug 2024
Pranidhanas Retreat - Lama Shenpen

Fri 16 Aug 2024 - Sun 18 Aug 2024
Vows Weekend 2024 - Lama Shenpen, Lama Dashon & Lama Tara 

Sun 25 Aug 2024
Sunday Gathering
More details to follow

Wed 11 Sep 2024 - Fri 13 Sep 2024
Consecration of Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche's ashes & Lama Phunsok Visit
Specific event dates and details to follow