Link in with meditation online

Anyone is welcome to join in online with meditation sessions

You can find us every day (almost) at these times:

With Lama Shenpen from the Hermitage of the Awakened Heart

7 - 8am - Morning puja with the Heart Sutra (liturgy)

9 - 10am - Sadhana of Shakyamuni (liturgy)

1:45 - 1:55pm Apramanas (not Mon or Sun)

7.30 - 8.45pm - Evening puja with Guru Rinpoche prayers and singing (liturgy) (not Sun or Mon)

Sunday: evening puja is 5-6:15pm instead of  7:30-8:45pm.

Join the Hermitage (password 108)

All liturgy is available for download.


Samantabhadra Charya Pranidhana recitation

Wednesdays at 6pm - 6:30pm (liturgy)

Join the recitation (password 108)


All you need is a computer or smartphone, and you should be able to see and hear the other participants in the meditation session. When you first participate you might be prompted to download a Zoom online conferencing plug-in first, but it's very simple and safe.

We ask you to please take care when 'in' the shrine room in the same way it would be if you were in person, having the attitude that this is a sacred space.  You are invited 'virtually' into other people's homes and they into yours, so please be sensitive in how you act.

Your microphone will be switched off by default to prevent any unintended audio disturbance while people are meditating.