Contact us
General enquiries
Please email [email protected]ku.gro.sha@ofni
For enquiries or bookings for a particular live event (including events at the Hermitage, and including online participation in events), see the webpage of that event for the person to email. For enquiries about events in general, email the events team at [email protected]ku.gro.sha@stneve
Support for existing students
If you're already a student in the Sangha, for books, enrolments, online courses, membership, donations, and mentoring, please email [email protected]ku.gro.sha@troppus
To ask Lama Shenpen and others at the Hermitage to dedicate prayers for someone ill or in need, please email [email protected]ku.gro.sha@egatimreh
For individual visits to the Hermitage (not for group retreats) please email [email protected]ku.gro.sha@egatimreh .
The Hermitage can also be reached by phone on 01766 530839. It's address is Hermitage of the Awakened Heart, Ynys Graianog, Criccieth, LL52 0NT, United Kingdom.
This is also the main correspondence address for the Awakened Heart Sangha and the registered address of The Shrimala Trust.