DHB Retreat: Mandala Principle

Hermitage of the Awakened Heart, North Wales & online

“Diverse as our experience is, Mandala Principle
suggests that there is one and the same underlying
structure and dynamic to all experience. Therefore, the
purpose of awareness practice is to train ourselves to
work with this structure and dynamic in as
spontaneous and precise a fashion as possible.
First, we have to learn to recognise the presence of
that structure and dynamic, then to gain confidence in
it and to relax into it as the fundamental nature of our
experience. Since it is the structure and dynamic of the
Indestructible Heart Essence itself, it applies on all
levels of experience, from the mundane to the fully
awakened state.”
DHB Mandala Principle

Mandala Principle is a term that points to something deeply profound and beyond conceptual thought – and yet it can be experienced in every aspect of our daily lives if we know how to look.

In this retreat, Lama Tara, Sherab and Namka will explore with us some of the ways in which Mandala Principle can be experienced - in our daily lives, in meditation, in our bodies and our hearts, in movement and in stillness … and maybe just touching on that profound mystery at the heart of our being…. And we’ll see how understanding mandala can open our hearts to a deeper experience of ourselves and our world.

We look forward to travelling with you – who knows what we may find?

Any queries contact the Events Team at [email protected]ku.gro.sha@stneve we may not be able to help, but we'll always try!