Tara began her training aged 20 within the Theravada community, joined the Awakened Heart Sangha in 2002 and has lived at the Hermitage since 2003.
She serves in various capacities with the community including currently as Deputy Dharma Director supporting Lama Dashon. Tara has been a member of the Shrimalagana, an inner circle of responsibility within AHS, since its beginnings.
She offers group mentoring for Discovering the Heart of Buddhism and Trusting the Heart of Buddhism and oversees the training for those taking Refuge and Bodhisattva vows and for the sadhana group. She is an active mentor within the wider Living the Awakened Heart curriculum and leads in the area of love and compassion.
In addition Tara is a Mindfulness (MBSR) teacher and founded Gwynedd Mindfulness in North Wales. Her background is in medicine.
Contact Tara : [email protected]ku.gro.sha@arat