Exploring the Samantabhadracharya Pranidhana Together - Radical Inclusivity, Delighting in Diversity:
The Samantabhadracharya Pranidhana is the ultimate expression of the fully awakened, fully operative Heart Wish for the enlightenment of all sentient beings. In this series of 12 sessions, we will be allowing our attention to be drawn particularly to the way the pranidhana encourages us to open to the radical inclusivity of the bodhisattva path and to delight in myriad interpenetrating diverse realms.
Join Katie Morrow, Namka, Samshi and Mebar - Sessions will begin with a short talk or reflection, continue with reciting the pranidhana and conclude with a discussion. Sign up to receive the link for sessions, access to the study website and recordings of the short talks. Sessions will be for 90 minutes.
“Something in us tells us that limits of any kind are artificial and the more we connect to our Heart Wish, the more we want to transcend all limits. What stops us is not knowing how to transcend them and a kind of fear of the demands of the unknown….By committing ourselves again and again to an ever widening vision, those habits are worn down so that the adhistana of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can penetrate into the very heart of our being.”
Lama Shenpen