Register now for your next DHB study course and retreats
Dear AHS students
We are delighted to bring you details of the upcoming DHB courses and retreats:
Openness with Shiway - starting Tuesday 7 January at 6pm
Clarity with Norbu - starting Tuesday 7th January at 6pm
Confidence with Suryaketu - starting Wednesday 8th January at 7pm
Indestructible Heart Essence with Kunzang - starting Wednesday 8th January at 7pm
Mandala Principle with Rangdrol and Dawa - starting Thursday 16th January at 7pm
Retreats & Gatherings
Death and Dharma Cafe: Monday 9th December, contact Student Support if you want to join.
January Retreat: The Four Noble Truths with Katie, Younten and Lama Dashon - 1st to 31st January 2025
Kench Hill Retreat: More to Dying than Death with Lama Dashon - 16th to 18th May 2025
Especially recommended for those joining the Kench Hill retreat is the self-paced study of Lama Shenpen‘s book 'More to Dying than Death'
With warmth