DHB courses and Retreats

Register now for your next DHB study course and retreats

Dear AHS students

We are delighted to bring you details of the upcoming DHB courses and retreats:


Openness with Shiway - starting Tuesday 7 January at 6pm

Clarity with Norbu - starting Tuesday 7th January at 6pm

Confidence with Suryaketu - starting Wednesday 8th January at 7pm

Indestructible Heart Essence with Kunzang - starting Wednesday 8th January at 7pm

Mandala Principle with Rangdrol and Dawa - starting Thursday 16th January at 7pm

Retreats &  Gatherings

Death and Dharma Cafe: Monday 9th December, contact Student Support if you want to join. 

January Retreat: The Four Noble Truths with Katie, Younten and Lama Dashon - 1st to 31st January 2025

Kench Hill Retreat: More to Dying than Death with Lama Dashon - 16th to 18th May 2025

Especially recommended for those joining the Kench Hill retreat is the self-paced study of Lama Shenpen‘s book 'More to Dying than Death'

With warmth
