January Retreat - The Four Noble Truths

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“Because of not truly seeing the four noble truths, we have transmigrated for a long time from one rebirth to the next.

But now that these truths have been seen, the conduit to rebirth is eradicated. The root of suffering is cut off, now there’ll be no more future lives.” 

The Buddha At the Village of Koṭi SN56:21

The Buddha then turned the wheel of the dharma, expounding the four noble truths: pain, the origin of pain, the goal, and the path. All this was inspired by his discovery that there is tremendous space in which the universality of inspiration is happening. There is pain, but there is also the environment around the origin of pain. The whole thing becomes more expansive, more open.

Trungpa Rinpoche

This January, Katie and Younten are inviting you to join them in a month-long retreat focusing on the Four Noble Truths. This core doctrine sets our path in motion and underlies all other Buddhist teachings. We are delighted that Lama Dashon has agreed to give us some teachings during the month (and we might also have some teachings from Lama Shenpen in discussion with him). In addition we will be encouraging everyone to make an individual commitment to practising either the Shakyamuni Sadhana and / or formless meditation during the retreat.

If you have any questions please email Younten - [email protected]pooc.poocenohp@riahpets