Mandalas of Living, Dying and Death

An in-person retreat in Oxfordshire


A weekend of teachings in the beautiful surrounds of The Abbey at Sutton Courtnay, in Oxfordshire, 

Friday 11th to Sunday 13th October

Now is the time to think
Of what heart connections mean.
Now is the time to think
Of what goes beyond birth and death.

In this year, where our themes have been Pranidhana and Death, we have an opportunity to gather with our Sangha friends in this beautiful Oxford abbey, renewing and strengthening connections that go beyond birth and death.

At this weekend, Lama Shenpen, Lama Dashon and Sherab will be leading us in an exploration of how our practice and our mandala connections can guide us through the bardos of living, dying and death.

There will be meditation, reflection, connection and celebration. This is an in-person only event and we're really looking forward to seeing you there. Book now, places are limited!