Mandalas of Living, Dying and Death

The Abbey, Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire

A weekend of teachings in the beautiful surrounds of The Abbey at Sutton Courtnay, in Oxfordshire. 

Now is the time to think
Of what heart connections mean.
Now is the time to think
Of what goes beyond birth and death.

In this year, where our themes have been Pranidhana and Death, we have an opportunity to gather with our Sangha friends in this beautiful Oxford abbey, renewing and strengthening connections that go beyond birth and death.

This weekend, Lama Shenpen, Sherab and Lama Dashon will be leading us in an exploration of how our practice and our mandala connections can guide us through the bardos of living, dying and death.

There will be meditation, reflection, connection and celebration. We're really looking forward to seeing you there.



We are now able to offer a very limted number of additional places at this event on a no accommodation/no catering basis - meaning you will need to find your own accommodation locally and will need to go to the nearby pubs for your meals, or bring a picnic and find somewhere to eat it - please note you will not be able to sit with other event participants during mealtimes as meal seating is extremly limited. 

If you wish to attend and have not been able to book please contact Jessica Parkes (see below) who will add you to the waiting list. Please do not email the Abbey to try and book, all the bookings for the event are done through this website.

We are delighted to be offering this event, our first such gathering since lockdown, and organised by a group of sangha members. For this event we have booked a small venue so we can trial this new way of organising an event run by volunteers, outside the Hermitage. We have been delighted that so many of you want to come and can only apologise to those of you who have not been successful in booking a place - there will be more events and we are learning as we go: what we learn from putting on this event will inform future events and we are taking on board all feedback.

This October gathering will run from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. The event will be in-person only. This event is not being run on a donations basis as usual, as we have to cover the venue costs hence the fixed prices. The prices are: £385 for single rooms, £295 for shared rooms, (both these options to include breakfast, lunch and supper), £175 for off-site attendee (to include lunch and supper) and £100 for off-site/no catering attendee, (all prices are per person,  for the weekend, to be paid in full on booking). Our support charity Sustain may be able to help with expenses in certain cases for people who cannot otherwise attend due to financial constraints. 

You will find details of the venue, its location and how to get there by public transport on the Abbey website. There is the option for attendees to stay on at the Abbey for the Sunday night - this is not part of the event and will not be bookable via this website, if you wish to stay please book your accommodation and meals direct with the Abbey, please email Pascaline Bazart < [email protected][email protected] > and tell her you are staying on after this event which will ensure you get to stay in the same room. We suggest you do this as soon as possible as we cannot guarantee availability of the Abbey rooms once our event has finished. NB there is the option to have dinner at the pub next door rather than at the Abbey on the Sunday evening.

If you have any queries or concerns about this event please [email protected]moc.loa@23tacissej .

Friday Oct 11 th
19:00 – 20:00 Introductory Talk Lama Shenpen

Saturday Oct 12 th
07:00 – 08:00 Morning Puja
09:30 – 11:00 Talk Lama Shenpen
11:00 – 11-30 Break
11:30 – 13:00 Talk Sherab
13:00 -15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 – 16:30 Talk Lama Dashon
17:00 – 18:00 Discussion Groups
18:00 – 19:30 Supper
19:30 – 20:30 Evening Puja

Sunday October 13th
07:00 – 08:00 Morning Puja
09:30 – 11:00 Talk Lama Dashon
11:30 – 13:00 Talk Sherab
13:00 -15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 – 16:30 Q&amp;A Lama Shenpen
16:30 – 17:00 Thanks and close