Radical Inclusivity, Delighting in Diversity
The Samantabhadracharya Pranidhana is the ultimate expression of the fully awakened, fully operative Heart Wish for the enlightenment of all sentient beings.
This series of 12 weeks is part one of a three part series exploring the Samantabhadracharya pranidhana for members. In this first part, we aim to develop a personal relationship with the practice of reciting the SBCP, expanding our hearts to include more and more beings, to come to appreciate the wondrous diversity of beings and to become willing to explore the sensitive issues around identity and belonging. We will be allowing our attention to be drawn particularly to the way the pranidhana encourages us to open to the radical inclusivity of the bodhisattva path and to delight in myriad interpenetrating diverse realms.
Part Two will be a close reading of the text, using Lama Shenpen’s commentary and teachings as a basis for study.
Part Three will locate the SBCP in its original context—the Gandavyuha section of the Avatamsaka Sutra and follow Sudhana's journey towards Samantabhadra.
You are invited to join Katie Morrow, Namka, Samshi and Mebar - Sessions will begin with a short talk or reflection, continue with reciting the pranidhana and conclude with a discussion. You can find further details and register here: Exploring the Samantabhadracharya Pranidhana Together - Radical Inclusivity, Delighting in Diversity: