Discovering the Heart of Buddhism

The foundation of all spiritual training in the Awakened Heart Sangha is Discovering the Heart of Buddhism. This introduces you to the underlying principles of Buddhism in your own experience. All students are strongly encouraged to engage with thoroughly, and this usually takes at least one or two years.

Heart of Meditation is the first part of this journey. It introduces formless meditation, the core practice of Discovering the Heart of Buddhism and the Awakened Heart Sangha.

This is followed by a set of teachings and reflections written by Lama Shenpen Hookham to explore the core principles of Buddhism: Indestructible Heart Essence, Confidence, Heart Wish, Openness, Clarity, Sensitivity, Mandala Principle

Trusting the Heart of Buddhism

Trusting the Heart of Buddhism then builds on Discovering the Heart of Buddhism to bring in the vaster vision of the Buddhist tradition and the principles that underlie it. It also involves teachings and reflections written by Lama Shenpen.

Living the Awakened Heart

After Trusting the Heart of Buddhism, there is no single common pathway for everyone in the Sangha. Rather, students are encouraged to chart their own way through the courses, events and materials that are available, in consultation with mentors.

We see the spiritual path as a process of spiral learning, an ever-deepening exploration of the same basic themes. Because of this many of our events and courses are open to everyone. 

'Living the Awakened Heart' is the name of the whole training in the Sangha, including Discovering the Heart of Buddhism and Trusting the Heart of Buddhism. Lama Shenpen speaks of Living the Awakened Heart as covering six main areas:

However, our training and these pages are still under development and we don't yet have a clear map of what we offer we can share. All courses and retreats that are suggested for you are shown on your home page and you can also view all courses and retreats you're eligible for.

Here are some of the active areas of training in the Sangha:

Death & Dying
Preparing for your own death, and supporting others in theirs. A selection of resources is avilable, as well as regular courses and discussions.

Refuge & Bodhisattva Vows
Each year an opportunity is offered to take Refuge and commit yourself to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, or to take the Bodhisattva Vow and commit yourself to working forever for the benefit of others.

Sadhana & Mahamudra groups
Trainings in both Sadhana practice and Mahamudra are offered in the Sangha. These are under development, and participation is by invitation.

The Mahayanagana is a core of committed students who create the Awakened Heart Sangha together. There is a process and training to join this, which typically happens annually.

Mentor training
Mentoring is a key part of both deepening our own practice, and helping others. Mentor training courses are offered regularly.