Hermitage Autumn Clearing

Dear friends

We're planning an autumnal working day at the Hermitage on Tuesday the 29th October which you are warmly invited to join! 

We have a wonderful opportunity to come together in open-hearted service of the Hermitage. The day will consist of outdoor and indoor work, preparing our spiritual home for the coming Winter. There will be plenty of ways in which you can get involved, connecting to the sacred space through the tending of the land and buildings. If you're new to the Hermitage this could be a wonderful way to engage with the place and meet more of our local sangha members, if you're an old friend we'd love to see you again!

The timetable for the day is as follows:

9am -10am Shakyamuni Sadhana (optional)

10.30am - 1pm Work time

1pm - 2pm Lunch time

2:30pm - 5pm Work ( tea breaks included)

This is a non-residential day where a hot meal will be provided along with Dharma companionship! Depending on the weather, people will need to bring wellies and waterproofs and a warm heart.

If you are able to join the team for the day then please let me know [email protected]ku.gro.sha@rabem , we will need numbers to plan the catering.