August Full Moon: Short Feast

Join us online to celebrate the August Full Moon

We will be celebrating the Full Moon with a Short Online Feast this Monday 19th August starting at 6.00pm GMT

It will be a wonderful opportunity to join together and practise, remembering and celebrating heart connections, and especially auspicious to gather together while Lamas Shenpen and Dashon are in Kathmandu for the funeral of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. To practise and feast together brings us back to our interrelatedness and also strengthens our connection with the lineage. 

The Full Moon Feast offering will use the short feast liturgy, with a token feast offering, maybe a biscuit and a glass of water and there will be no entertainment - the whole practice will take about half an hour and everyone is very welcome to attend. This month's Feast offering will be online only, there will be no Full Moon Feast broadcast from the Hermitage.

On Monday, join the Feast on zoom.

Here is the link to the liturgy

And Lama's introduction to the Short Feast.

If it's your first time joining our Full Moon Feast you can read more about it on these links:

More About Feast Offering
Setting up a Feast at Home

We will look forward to seeing you online!

The Hermitage Team