Work retreat connected to Rigdzin Shikpo

11th - 17th May at Shikling (Tyn y Gors) in Wales

You're invited to take part in a work retreat at Tyn y Gors this May. This property in Wales, close to the Hermitage, was bought by Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche and Lama Shenpen in the 1990s; since Rinpoche's passing it has been looked after by Lama Shenpen. Khenpo Rinpoche called it 'Shikling', the place where all concepts collapse.

Sudhana, myself and several friends from the Longchen Foundation and Awakened Heart Sangha will be gathering there 11-17th May to do a work retreat. Our focus will be on preparing the grounds for the consecration of a stupa for Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche that will happen in September, and which we expect will be placed on an island on the lake there.

So this is an opportunity to both connect with Rigdzin Shikpo, this Dharma place he empowered, and with the stupa that will contain his relics there. 

If you're interested contact Sudhana, [email protected]moc.oohay@retnifca or by text 07896767481