August Full Moon Feast

Join us to celebrate online or in person at The Hermitage!

Our Full Moon Feast will be celebrated at the Hermitage next week on Thursday 31st August 5:00 - 8:00pm BST. You're very welcome to join us either in person or online!

The Full Moon Feast offering will start with the usual liturgy and practice, it will last a few hours, a joyful celebration! You are all very welcome to attend. If you'd like to come in person, could you email [email protected]ku.gro.sha@egatimreh to help us know how many plates of feast food we'll need, how abundant an offering! You're also invited to bring a vegetarian dish to share, and whether online or in person sharing entertainment is a wonderful way to offer something of ourselves.

It will be a lovely opportunity to join together and practise, remembering and celebrating heart connections. To practise and feast together brings us back to our interrelatedness and also strengthens our connection with the lineage. 

On Tuesday: Join the feast on zoom!

And here are the links to liturgy you'll need:

Feast Liturgy
Khenpo Rinpoche Long Life Prayer
AHS Song Book

The feast involves about 45 minutes of liturgy (mostly in English) and then eating, drinking (soft drinks) and merry-making. If it's your first time joining our full moon feast you can read more about it on these links:

More About Feast Offering
Setting up a Feast at Home
Feast Entertainment

Looking forward to seeing all those who can make it!

Lama Shenpen & The Hermitage Team