Chokhor Duchen

Chokhor Duchen Light Offering Friday 21st July

Dear Sangha members

Friday is Chokhor Duchen, the day to honour the Buddha’s first teaching of the Dharma and we would like to invite you to join us for a Light Offering at the Stupa.

Please do join us at 7pm on the usual zoom meditation link for the Light Offering . We will sing the light offering song on page E42 of the Liturgy book and we would like to invite you to have your own candle ready at home to offer to your shrine. Following the Light Offering we will recite the Samantabadracharya Pranidhana which you will find on page D6 of the Liturgy book and Lama will read the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. This will be followed by Evening Puja as usual.


You may also be interested in this talk by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche who has a close connection with Lama; the talk is being broadcast live from the Nitartha Summer Institute in Boulder, Colarado at 6.30pm Mountain Time – which is 1.30am on Saturday morning for us in the UK. Ponlop Rinpoche is a fellow student of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso and a dear teacher and friend of Lama’s, and of Karl Brunnhölzl and Stephanie Johnston who teach in his sangha.


With warm wishes and we will look forward to seeing you online!
