Body Awareness

Join with Sangha friends for weekly exploration!

Exploring the Body Awareness 2020 teachings

Body Awareness Group - Tuesday evenings 6 - 7pm extending to 6  - 7.30pm once a month. 

Starting Tuesday 11th April. Register your interest here

Are you interested in joining a Body Awareness group? We are planning to explore Lama Shenpen and Lama Dashon’s teachings from the 2020 retreat - Pointing out the Nature of Body Awareness.

Over the past 2 years or so a group of us have been going through Lama Shenpen's teachings from the 2012 Body Awareness retreat and have really valued slowly going through the teachings, investigating the practices and sharing reflections and insights. 

Now some of us want to form a new group to go through the teachings from the 2020 retreat in a similar way. The plan is to  explore teachings from a number of different perspectives including reflecting on the elements, through movement and Dharma Art and on occasions inviting teachings from AHS teachers. This is not a time limited group as we will be taking in the teachings at our own pace. However there will be breaks and sessions can be recorded if you are unable to attend a session.

For more information please email Younten  [email protected]pooc.poocenohp@riahpets  She'll be in touch with all those signed up after the 14th March.