Body Awareness & Confidence: Daily Life Awareness teaching day


We will be coming together with Younten to explore body awareness in relation to Confidence, using a very simple Qigong practice introduced by Lama Shenpen some years ago. Lama Shenpen has often returned to this practice as a way of demonstrating how we can use the body to investigate and play with our understanding of Confidence.

During the mediation sessions we will gradually explore aspects of this practice together. The final session of the day will provide further opportunity to practise and space to reflect with each other.

“The essential point about these awareness exercises … is that they are an expression of movement that emanates from the heart. The heart is mysterious and communicates itself through our body and in our speech in a precise and yet ungraspable way. Every little muscle in our face and vocal chords is able to carry that message both inwardly to ourselves and outwardly to the world and others around us. 

When we feel confident, and connected in our hearts, our whole body holds itself and moves in an integrated kind of dance that we could never work out or describe. It's all of a piece. And we can connect to the essence of that movement, its mood and its message in a direct and satisfying way. This is how openness, clarity and sensitivity express themselves naturally in our experience, and our life all the time.”

Lama Shenpen

Further information will be sent out nearer the time to those who've registered. Any queries email  [email protected]ku.gro.sha@stneve  we may not be able to help, but we'll always try!