Mandala Principle: Daily Life Awareness teaching day


An Event for current and past students of the Sangha.

“First, we have to learn to recognise the presence of
that structure and dynamic, then to gain confidence in
it and to relax into it as the fundamental nature of our
experience. Since it is the structure and dynamic of the
Indestructible Heart Essence itself, it applies on all
levels of experience, from the mundane to the fully
awakened state.”

Lama Shenpen – DHB Mandala Principle

Mandala Principle is a gateway to a profound and mysterious teaching which can illuminate every aspect of our experience. At one level, it embodies the vast structure and dynamic of our whole universe.  And yet, if we know how to see, it manifests in the most ordinary and apparently mundane aspects of our lives.

In this session, Sherab will explore with us the dynamic and vibrant qualities of Mandala, focusing particularly on our individual Practice Mandala and how it relates to the vastness of the Mandala of who we truly are.

Further information will be sent out nearer the time to those who've registered. Any queries email  [email protected]ku.gro.sha@stneve  we may not be able to help, but we'll always try!