Sadhana Retreat

Hermitage of the Awakened Heart, North Wales & online

This annual retreat is ongoing training for those students who are interested in the principles and practices of sadhana.

If you are an AHS member and are considering joining this group the first step is to contact Tara (  [email protected]ku.gro.sha@arat  ).

She can give you more information and will be able to discuss your interest in joining the group with Lama Shenpen. If Lama Shenpen feels that joining the sadhana group would be a helpful next step for you then there is a process of mentored training in advance of the retreat to introduce you to the practices involved. Due to the importance of the mentored training, there is a deadline for registering your interest in joining the group. Please contact Tara before the end of May 2021 in order to take part in this year's training.